Picture-Perfect Phones
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Some of the latest Cell Phones  tout higher resolution, digital zoom, photo effects, and exposure adjustments. My  top choice is Motorola's V600 for its useful photographic features. Consider Nokia's 3660 if you want to record short video clips.

Millions of people in the United States and around the world use cellular phones. They are such great gadgets -- with a cell phone, you can talk to anyone on the planet from just about anywhere!

These days, cell phones provide an incredible array of functions, and new ones are being added at a breakneck pace. Depending on the cell-Camphone model, you can take pics of hot looking models on the streets or at clubs.. i love them_-- my website would not be here if not for the CamPhones TaxThatAss would be some thing else....

    Camera phone: Comments
  LG VX6000
• 640 by 480 maximum resolution
• Stores 20 high-resolution images
• 3-hour talk time, 4.6-day standby
• Latest Prices
- $145.60-$199.00
Bright LCD, well-laid-out controls, and easy-to-follow menu system make the VX6000 a pleasure to use. But its photos looked extremely grainy and had a lot of noise.

Score --


  Motorola V600
• 640 by 480 maximum resolution
• Stores 114 high-resolution images
• 7.5-hour talk time, 9-day standby
• Latest Prices -
The 4.4-ounce V600 plays downloaded video clips and lets you adjust the camera's exposure and lighting condition, but the settings are buried deep in menus.

Score --


  NEC 525
• 352 by 288 maximum resolution
• Stores 68 high-resolution images
• 5.4-hour talk time, 6.3-day standby
•Latest Prices-$99.00-299.00
A second LCD on the outside surface of the phone can be used for picture-taking; it also can show a picture of your choice, plus network status, battery life, date, and time.

Score --


  Nokia 3660
• 640 by 480 maximum resolution
• Stores
140 high-resolution images
• 4-hour talk time, 8-day standby
• Latest Prices- $99.00-299.00
Impressive pictures and extra storage make up for the phone's large size. The 2-inch LCD is roomy but could be brighter. AT&T and Cingular sell this model as the 3620.
 Score --

  Samsung SGH-E715
• 640 by 480 maximum resolution
• Stores 34 high-resolution images
• 4-hour talk time, 7-day standby
•Latest Prices- $99.00-250.00
In its Multi-shot mode, you can take up to 15 continuous shots in 128 by 122 resolution. Annoyingly, the center navigation button doesn't also function as an Enter key. -

Score -

  Sony Ericsson Z600
• 352 by 288 maximum resolution
• Stores 102 high-resolution images
• 6-hour talk time, 8-day standby
•Latest Prices- $399.00-370.00
A vibrant screen and comfy keypad don't make up for the Z600's laborious photo-sending process: E-mailing a picture requires at least 13 clicks, more than other models.

 Score -

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