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A  Adult Webmaster Resources page with porn sex internet news, links to content providers, adult webmaster forums.

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The Online Adult business is gigantic.
Did you know that the online Adult industry generated over $9 billion in revenue last year? That's right, $9,000,000,000! Not only did that account for 12% of the total e-commerce in 2001, the online Adult business currently is, and always will be, the number one product/service on the Internet. Were you also aware that according to a recent Forbes Article, the Adult industry is completely "recession-resistant?" In other words, no matter how poorly our economy performs, Adult Webmasters will continue to turn profits.

What is Adult Webmaster links?
Adult Webmaster Page(AWS) is the first and only Adult Webmaster education institution in the world. Quite simply, we teach you how to profit from the highly lucrative online Adult industry. AWS is a virtual Links which includes a course guide, video tutorials, and real teachers you can ask for help. There are message boards and chat rooms where you can hang out with fellow students and our faculty. The course is completely self-paced -- learn as quickly or slowly as you want. We teach you everything -- no prior Web page skills required. If you know how to surf the Web (which you obviously do since you are reading this right now), you can enroll in the Adult Webmaster Links.

Please realize that this is not a get-rich-quick, multi-level-marketing, or pyramid scheme. Becoming an Adult Webmaster does require a minimal amount of learning and determination. Money will not fall from the sky nor will beautiful women appear from out of thin air. AWS is a legitimate learning institution with textbooks, other students, and a faculty consisting of highly-skilled Adult Webmasters.

Non-Adult Webmaster Section is currently under construction cool.

How long have you been working in the adult industry?

I been working in the online adult industry for about six years now, started when I was 19 or so. Made a swift crossover from the mainstream to adult sometime in 1997, and the rest is history! I picked up HTML, Web Design and the many trades of this industry basically on my own, through 'trial and effort.'

Where and how did you get your start?

Started with free sites, pay sites, thumbnail galleries…just about anything I could get my hands on. I was pretty much hustling any way I could, to put some green in my back pocket. Got a BIG break when I launched the first, fully-instant-download-licensed content provider in 1998… EZContent, known today as ZIPContent! That project pretty much took off with the help of my current ZIP Partner, Tony - programmer/lifetime friend. With a little more funds and a lot more online experience, I decided to take on some other ventures with the help of my significant other and Cozy Partner, Girly! Once we got hooked up with our head writer and beloved friend, Titmowse - we were confident that we had what we needed to get the ball rolling in the right direction!

How long has Cozy Frog been online?

It's currently about a month shy of two years, and going strong! It's come a hell of a long way in a relatively short amount of time. We basically wanted to help webmasters and do what we could to bring something fresh to the table. There were no expectations or goals for the project except to put it out. The entire Cozy crew works real hard daily, to keep doing what we do…in the end it all comes down to the webmasters, sponsors and Cozy supporters that have embraced our family of sites and services from the get-go!

What types of webmasters hang out on the Cozy Frog and Cozy Campus boards?

We've got a healthy mix of heads dropping by our spots daily…from beginners to veterans. It would be fairly safe to say that a significant share of our readers are newbies looking to get their brains soaked with useful info to jumpstart their online adult careers. We get tons of e-mails from webmasters thanking us for the articles, news and Cozy goodies that we put out. That's when everything comes into perspective and helps us stay grounded and focused on why we are doing this in the first place!

In the end, we just put it out and everyone is welcome! All of the Cozy sites, Frog, Campus and Academy are based on one objective...helping the adult webmaster!

How important is education to today's adult webmaster?

Education is the sole lifeline to which people cling in this industry, to survive on a day-to-day basis. If you don't learn, improve, and expand, you ain't going very far - I can tell you that much! I've clocked six years and I'm still reading and learning every chance I get! This industry evolves at such a quick pace, you're bound to be left behind if you don't stay informed, with the help of online resources like,,, and the many informative message boards that are only a click away. Staying on top of things is a duty no webmaster should take lightly.

What things should webmasters try to learn first, before starting their initial site?

Just about anything they can get their hands on! Basic Web design knowledge, a little bit of HTML, types of sites that are out there and how webmasters profit from them. There are literally hundreds of ways to generate income from this industry. If you're new, our free school for newbie webmasters - Cozy Academy - is a great place to start. But you shouldn't limit yourself to only one resource, everyone's got info, you just have to take the time to educate yourself. Find what's right for you, get your feet wet and let go of any notions you may have on how easy it is to make money in this industry. You have to work hard, play the ropes, and keep learning.